Non English Backgrounds
If you or the patient are from an Indigenous culture, or a culture that speaks a language other than English, and that has its own unique cultural practices it can be difficult to find information that’s easy to understand.
These resources may be useful:
CareSearch is a Palliative Care Knowledge Network that provides support finding culturally appropriate resources in palliative care
CareSearch also provides a list of resources for diverse populations

Palliative Care Australia - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Palliative Care Resources
Palliative Care Australia: Discussing Choices – Indigenous Advance Care Plans
ELDAC - End of Life Directions for Aged Care - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Palliative Care Victoria have created an English language brochure about palliative care called “Palliative Care – Helping people with life-limiting illness live well”. It has been translated into 17 languages. ​
The brochure answers the following questions:
What is palliative care?
Who provides palliative care?
Where can I receive care?
Will I have to pay?
What if I need to speak another language?
What about my family?
Where can I get more information?
You can find more information and links to videos and versions of the brochure in 17 different languages at Palliative Care Victoria. This information is not clinical advice. Your health care decisions are best made in consultation with your doctor.